How to start a business from scratch...

How to start a business from scratch?

How to start a business from scratch during lockdown, whilst home schooling, social distancing, being parents and partners?? That’s more the question.

Well to be quite honest it’s been enjoyable, inspiring and great fun.  Let me explain.  There is a lot and I mean a lot of work setting up your own business but you are setting it up for you, not someone else or a faceless corporation, for you, your family and loved ones, that’s quite inspiring to think you are potential starting a legacy for you family.  It’s fun as you have to source all the fantastic products you want to sell (more about that later) and it’s enjoyable, I’m with the people I love and care for, it gives me time to fully understand why we are doing this and the importance to us.  And it gives them the opportunity to give their input, however small and sometimes it’s the small things and the attention to detail that make the difference.

Getting everything up and running is a monumental task and most of the website,  back office and social media has been done by Ruth, who has diligently waded through hours and hours of uploading products, photos, descriptions, stocks and pricing.  Whilst I admittedly have had the more enjoyable task of sourcing, procurement and photography.  It wasn’t a conscious decision by either of us, just the way it came together. 

Having spent a number of years visiting trade shows such as Spring Fair, Autumn Fair, Top Draw and many others, I had spoken to many manufactures and distributors and had an eye for the finer things in life.  As we had a clear idea of how we wanted The House of Sorrento to look and feel,  it made for an easy decision to choose companies like Captain Fawcett because of their excellent products, reputation and brand.  And as such all of the products we purvey are high quality and a touch of luxury.  We are also developing our own brand The House of Sorrento, these are hand selected high quality products, which carry our name, now I mentioned earlier about how starting your own business is inspiring, well having your own brand is pretty inspiring and exciting. 

So far our experience of starting and running a business has been, well rather enjoyable, yes there has been a few headaches, lots of discussions, laughter, not many tears and a whole heap of excitement.  Thank you for visiting The House of Sorrento and we hope you enjoy your experience with us.

And with this in mind it’s time for me to end this post, as home schooling beckons, the joy!!!!!!