Counting Down...

Back in 1989 my parents took me to Italy for a holiday, more specifically, Sorrento. It is on the Amalfi Coast and is famed for turquoise waters, vibrant colourful flowers and the most dramatically stunning coast line, where dreams are made. 

Well that is where my dream first occurred. I wasn't sure what that dream really looked liked but the place never left me. Over the years of my childhood and throughout my adult life I have been lucky enough to enjoy travelling around the world, yet in 2008 I returned to Sorrento with some friends for a long weekend. The place and name returned to my dreams and the desire to build a business started once more. 

Fast forward to 2018 and I bought the domain name for The House of Sorrento. Always in mind to build a gorgeous online store. However, it sat unused. 

Fast forward to March 2020. Huge changes in the worlds way of living and the start of not only "lockdown", but business building. The House of Sorrento was born! In a matter of weeks the website, stock, infrastructure and everything else began to take shape. 

Now as I sit and load products on to the website and the final push towards opening, I feel excitement that the long history of the word Sorrento, is now coming to its fruition by way of the online store.